5 Tips to Organize Your Home and Why it Will Help You

Do you walk around your home and feel overwhelmed with the amount of stuff you see? Is your closet or pantry busting at the seams without any rhyme or reason? Have toys completely taken over your home? Does your basement or storage room feel like a lost cause? Have items simply compounded over time and now you don’t know where to start? I get it. As a professional home organizer, I can help you.

Let’s start with 5 easy ways you can get organized and feel better in your home. Before we start, get 3 boxes or bags. Each bag gets one of the following labels: Donate, Sell, and Garbage.

Follow these 5 steps to help you get organized:

1. Pick your priority

Start with an area that you use frequently and affects the way you feel. Ask yourself: How does this area currently make me feel? How do I want it to make me feel? What is and is not working about this area? Identify an area and answer these questions before moving to step 2.

2. Look around

Pull out every item in this area to allow you to see what you have. What do you see that does not belong in this area? Set it aside. Only items that belong in this area can stay here.

3. Get detailed

Any item that is broken, has excessive wear, or missing pieces gets set aside in the garbage box.

4. Reduce

Decide what you want to keep. This is a golden rule. You cannot organize clutter. Choose items in the best quality, what you use frequently, and support the lifestyle and goal you are wanting to achieve in this area. Only keep what fits comfortably in this area. You may have to keep reducing until the items fit comfortably. Items that are unwanted, but in good condition may be sold or donated, this is your preference.

5. Organize

You are now ready to organize your chosen area. Group similar items together. Each item needs a designated spot where you and anyone else living in your home can place this item. If wanted, you can use organizational items such as containers, canisters, trays, labels, and drawers to truly get an organized feel.

I am so passionate about home decluttering, minimizing, and organizing because it directly affects the way we feel in our home. This is a form of self-care. It is difficult to achieve calm and comfort in an environment of chaos and confusion. If you are feeling overwhelmed in your home due to the amount of stuff and disorganization, make the choice to create a home you love again through home decluttering, minimizing, and organization. If you decide you need help to achieve the look and feel you want, I can help you!


Meet Steph

My name is Steph and I am a wife, mom of three, Registered Nurse, and now Professional Organizer. I created Life Space Organization with a mission to take on the responsibility of decluttering, minimizing, and organizing homes so people can spend more time doing what matters most to them. I have a special focus on easing the household burden for Moms, as it can be so overwhelming. You can find me with family and friends enjoying a good meal, at the beach in Door County, or simply spending time together. To find out more about my services and how they can help you, please visit www.facebook.com/lifespaceorganization or www.instagram.com/lifespaceorganization and send me a message!


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