Conversations around Money - How to Receive All. The. Coin. in Your Business

Did you miss the ‘Receive All The Coin’ workshop? No worries! Find a recap of the event below. 

Kaela Gedda, Co-founder of the Nest Cowork + Club joined us on and presented on the topic of money, how to be open to the idea of receiving in your business. That *seems* like an easy concept, but in reality, we often make this concept more difficult than it needs to be. Kaela guided us through a powerful workshop on how YOU can receive all the coin...and more. 

Wanting Vs. Receiving


Let’s start with the basics and get clear on what receiving actually is all about when it comes to our life and business. Wanting creates more wanting. Wanting is...I would like to have, I kinda want more.  We aren’t showing up for ourselves or for others, and we find ourselves lacking commitment. When we want, we create more opportunities to want. 

If we need something, we create opportunities to need more. Want and need are contractive statements….‘ I really want to have that’  or ‘I really need to pay my bills’. 

Have you been saying you want or need? Check-in with how you are framing your wants and needs. Pay attention to your body when you are contracting. It’s exhausting. Feeling tired. Stressed, worried. Unavailable. This leaves no space for receiving.


Declare to yourself what you are receiving. Kaela shared a beautiful guided meditation. We share it below. 

Meditation Exercise 

When you decide what you are receiving, sit in a comfortable position, hands palms up, sit straight, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a physical space you love. Create space with your breath. Be natural at first and slow it down. Breathe in, out at a space that feels natural. Picture that desire on its way to you. Dial-up the image of receiving that is on it’s way to you. Surrender to receiving. Whatever you want to receive happens. Feel what it feels like to have that happen. Breathe that in. Notice your energy and breath. Notice your thoughts.  

You can create this again and again with this simple meditation.

What feelings come up? Relax, calm, joy, bliss, gentle confidence...that is because when we are in the mode of receiving, there is space to have it all. When you are in the mode of wanting or needing, notice when your body feels nervous or anxious. Your body is telling you that you are wanting or needing. You can choose a different experience. 


We Are Worthy of Receiving

Have you ever ‘wanted’ more money? The feeling of wanting and needing brings guilt and judgment. We have the opportunity to change it and accept that who you are makes it possible to receive.

Lies we tell ourselves….

  • I am not worthy 

  • We think money is limited

How to Receive All The Coin In Your Business

Step back for a moment. Have you ever thought about the concept of money? What was life like before money? Money is a concept that was created by man and before money, we traded services and goods with one another. There has always been the transfer of energy in some form.  Money is not limited, it is unlimted energy. We place feelings and emotions around having and not having money. All money is, is the transferring of energy. Money doesn’t mean anything. It’s not evil, bad, wrong. It’s a tool to exchange. When we put all of our energy and meaning on it, we limit it.

If we aren’t in the action of receiving, we are relating to ourselves in a state of not being worthy. Here are a few examples of how feeling unworthy creates doubt and guilt around money. Can you relate to any of these examples?

‘I feel guilty of receiving help.’

‘If I make more money, I feel ungrateful for what I have’

‘It’s supposed to be hard to build a business…’

‘Am I really helping if I am taking money from clients?’ 

In all of these examples, the individual thinks she has to deserve it and earn it to have it, as if we weren’t worthy just by being ourselves. 

What might be true, if you were receiving in abundance? Here are some examples of why you aren’t receiving what you want in your life or business. You are too focused on...

‘Outside judgment if I make too much money’

‘Being asked for money by family once I start making it’

‘Limited timeframe, I can’t maintain this level of income’

We fall in love with making money by falling in love with ourselves and understanding how worthy we are. We tell ourselves, ‘I love myself. Who I am is worthy’. This way of thinking gives access to love everyone else. When we love ourselves, we can love everyone else. When we love ourselves, we can receive. Shift the relationship with yourself first. 

Expect That We Will Receive 

When you believe that you will receive, you make it an expectation. Using language as power allows you to create as you build your life and business. When you declare an action to happen, you place energy behind what you want to receive. This can be easily accomplished by declaring an action be taken by a specific date. Taking your desires one step closer to action will sound like ‘I am receiving X number of clients by X date’.

When you follow this mindset shift around receiving, you will see that you are worthy of receiving and receiving will be an expectation, not an exception. 

What are your expectations for October and beyond?

Thanks to Dr. Sadey at Lux Life Chiropractic for hosting us!


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